About Us

book and cross   Living in Favor Global Network is a Christian-based organization that works alongside but independently from the church in carrying out evangelical missions and enhancing the social welfare of people in the community. We seek to perfect the body of Christ in five aspects, namely: through our vision; the mission we carry out through our ministry; the quality of service we provide our brothers and sisters; our unwavering commitment to accomplish our mission; and our shared interest in preaching the Word of God to the entire world. Part of our goal is to offer guidance to church leaders who are out there making a difference.

LIF is a Global Christian fellowship of leaders following the principles of DOS…. sound doctrine.. church order… Spirit manifestation. We want to stimulate posting and discussions about doctrine, church order, and the operation of spiritual gifts. The administrators will do all the postings and you may comment or like the biblical postings for enlightenment or spiritual growth. A Supernatural Network for Spirit-Filled Leaders

If you want to find out more about us or seek to help our cause in any way, don’t hesitate to reach out as soon as possible. All you have to do is send us an online message or make a donation through our website today!